So I jumped in and have tried to make a Lippmann Plate ( see attached ) and I am quite pleased that I got a reflected image.
However, I am hoping you guys can shed some light upon where I have messed up. The white table is blue, the couple of red roses in the middle have a slight reddish cast but mostly look blown out, the green plants top right & bottom left are on the verge of being green

I am using GEO-03 plates. The exposure I am showing is one of three I made in bright direct sun, 4min @ f/8 ( also did 2min & 8 min ). I soaked the plate for 6min in glyoxal, KBr & Sod. Carb to harden the emulsion. Quick rinse and into Lumiere pyrogallol-ammonia developer for 2min. Followed by a 10min rinse & 2min in LFN ( similar to photoflow ) I would have added some glycerin to the LFN bath if I had it. All the baths were near 60deg F, except the developer. There seemed to be some reaction going on that brought the temp up to 68deg by the end of processing.
I think I shrank the emulsion in processing. I also have GP-2 developer and I was going to give it a try next.
Any thoughts on what I should be doing differently?