No offense taken whatsoever. Very happy to talk to you. As a collaberative project I would be more than willing to pay for half of everything involved, as long as you are good, very good, and we Can work together. This is not about my carreer. I do Just fine with my paintings.I also have people who would help me with funding for a holographic project and I know how to write a grant to get money also. And if you read my last post I said I know ALOT OF AMAZING ARTISTS who would love to collaberate with you guys. Yes I want to make holograms. But there is more to this. I am trying to help salvage what is left of fine art holography- if there is anything left to salvage. I'll go to California no problem if something is actually happening. I'd be in England with Jon Brodel making holos right now at his invitation, but unfortunately England is in fact too far for me to go right now. I'm sorry if you somehow got burned in the past but I have no intention of doing anything like this to anyone.I'd like to know more about what exactly you mean by " I've been down that road too many times" What happened to turn you off from working with artists? Did you not hammer out a contract to protect yourself and your work? I'm sincerley curious. I'm trying to help you guys out and realize mine and many other artists holographic dreams at the same time. I'm using the internet as a tool to find people who want collaberate, I don't expect to be able to just send you a model and have you pay for everything, only benefitting me. Half of all money made from whatever the project was would go to the holographer- and forgive me if this sounds bold- but they would sell- in high end galleries and museums- not on ebay where I see people like Al G trying so hard to sell to an audience that just doesn't get it selling holo's of store bought statues for 30 bucks. Seems like an incredible waste of your knowledge and talents when so much more could be done. I love you guys. I respect you. I want to work with you. I know alot of other very intense artists who feel the same way. I want to hook you guys up with them and me. I want us to do something extraordinary and beautiful and creative. I want to do this before I die along with fine art holography. I obviously wouldn't go to Ca. to just talk to you. My email and phone # are on my can call me anytime or I can call you for free and we can discuss any project , and the cost and the contract, and anything else. When all this is in place- then I'd be off to Santa Cruz very excited and ready to work.
Chuck Close's holos are selling for a hundred thousand bucks, and I love Chuck and his work and this shows how artists can help fine art holography. Here is a quote from Chuck i pulled off the net:
"Mr. Close says, ''I am used to collaborating in my work, and Jerry opens doors for me.'' Then he adds with a laugh, ''He's so wedded to the ritual of the process that if I'm not here to watch him prepare the plates, I feel guilty, as if I don't deserve to make them.' Chuck is way cool. He's actually talking about daguerreotypes in that quote ,but I'm sure he and his holographer work the same way. "Close is one of the great artists of our age. A master painter, printmaker and photographer, his works are both visually stunning and quietly conceptual. He has recently been experimenting with Daguerreotypes and the most recent work I have seen is a hologram. Stay tuned"
Ronald Mallory, an artist of incredible stature, and a friend has been talking of making holograms again. He is The guy that started the kinetic sculpure movement of the '60s Check out his mind-blowing resume on his website. It's insanely impressive.
We (artist and holographers) can help each other out tremendously. We each have something the other needs, and together we could acheive something fantastic.
Or we could just let it die a lonely death.
Thanks for the reply Bob, call me anytime if you'd like to discuss a project and let me see some of your work. I can put you in contact with plenty of amazing artists- this is not by any means just about "my carreer'